| BREWERS GOLD Alpha acid 6-9% Ref: HOPBREW0609
BREWING QUALITY A well-tried and tested bitter hop. Brewers Gold has a high resin content and gives a well-balanced bitterness which is ideally complimented by a late aroma hop in Lager beers. When used in cask conditioned ales, can give some very interesting fruity and spicy characteristics. ORIGIN / HISTORY UK/German origin. Brewers Gold and Bullion were two of the first varieties developed from a breeding programme circa 1917 by Professor Salmon in England. It is now grown mainly in Southern Germany. AGRONOMICS Low resistance to wilt and powdery mildew. Alpha acid contents are greatly influenced by environmental conditions and therefore can vary quite significantly from year to year. Type T90 Hop Pellets ACID COMPONENTS Alpha Acids 6 - 9% w/w Beta Acids 3.1% w/w Cohumulone 40 - 48% of alpha acids OIL COMPONENTS Total Oil 2.0 mls/100 grams Caryophyllene 7.3% of whole oil Type Leaf Hops Farnesene 0% of whole oil Humulene 30% of whole oil Myrcene 38.5% of whole oil Possible Substitutions: Pioneer, Northdown, Northern Brewer