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Color Convertion, Hop Calculator and Temperature Conversion

Malt Color Calculator

There are currently two color scales in common use: SRM in the US, and EBC in Europe.

The SRM (Standard Research Method) scale is based on an older scale called degrees Lovibond, and for all practical purposes SRM and degree Lovibond are identical.

American brewers use Lovibond to describe malts, while SRM is used to describe the color of the finished beer.

Wort color in EBC:Wort color in SRM:
Wort color in SRM:Wort color in EBC:

Hop Calculator
Calculation of hop rate required to obtain a specific bitterness (BU's)
Required value for calculationsNote and recommendations
 Alpha Acid of Hop [%]  1 KG -> mg of bitterness
Required BU's [mg/ltr]    
 Alpha utilisation [%]  Depends of brewing equipment and production conditions
 Quantity of beer to brew (barels) . . . X 164 = (Liters)
 Required Hops (kg)  
This is a rough guide for calculating the quantity of hops for bittering purposes.
BU - Bitterness units according to beer styles from 7 - 65 [mg/ltr].
Above 65 BU it is difficult to perceive the extra bitterness.

Temperature Calculator
Fahrenheit : Celsiuso:
Celsiuso: Fahrenheit:

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